MONDAY, 24. III. (19,00) - +ANTE BUBIĆ
*DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS 2025. For those celebrating 60 (or more), 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 & 5 years of marriage in 2025! At Notre Dame Cathedral on Sunday, May 4, 2:30 pm. The registration form is now available at https://forms.office.com/r/jpBDLwD0Kg. Please register before Easter to ensure your place!
*ARCHBISHOP'S RECEPTION. On May 15th, 2025, our Archdiocese is hosting the Archbishop’s Reception to launch a new vision for Ottawa-Cornwall. Tickets are on sale now for $65 dollars. Visit ottawacornwall.ca to learn more and buy your tickets.
*THE LENT SEASON. We are in the Lent season, which should be marked with fasting, penance and almsgiving. Remember your neighbour in material and spiritual need. Keep in mind obligation of abstinence from meet on Lenten Fridays. Confession Day before Easter in our parish will be April 9 at 6:00 p.m. You can have confession in Croatian or English with me or Fr. Dragan Bolčić, pastor from Montreal. Sign up your elderly and ill for the priest visit, so I could come to listen to their confession and bring them the holy Eucharist. Way of the Cross takes place in our church every Friday and Sunday, half an hour before Mass.
*PALM SUNDAY PARISH LUNCHEON. On Palm Sunday,April 13 after Mass, we will have a traditional parish luncheon. Tickets are $30 for adults, $20 for students and children under 6 for free. Book your tickets at the Parish Office (613-722-7135) or Vinko Marinković (613-822-3321). We invite volunteers to come and prepare church hall for the event on Saturday, April 12 at 7:oo p.m. Cake donations are welcome as well.
*CATECHISM CLASSES FOR CONFIRMANDS AND CANDIDATES FOR THE FIRST COMMUNION. Catechism classes go as ususal. Candidates for the First Communion will have their class this Friday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. Confirmands will have their class next week, on Friday, April 4 28 at 7:30 p.m. Attending Sunday mass is implied for all.
*GENERAL CLEANING OF THE CHURCH AND RECTORY. We organize general cleaning of the church and rectory on Saturday, April 10 from 10:00 a.m. Volunteers are welcome.
*UEFA NATIONS LEAGUE VIEWING PARTIES – GAME TODAY AT 3:45 PM IN OUR CHURCH HALL. Jadran will be organizing the viewing of the Hrvatska v France game this afternoon in the Nations League at 3:45PM in the church Hall. Entrance cost will be $10 and food and beverages will be available to purchase. Please join us and help us in our fundraising efforts for the 2025 season. Thank you to those community members who are coming out to support these events. If more people do not start to come to support these events we may look into not showing them so please spread the word and see you later today.
*SPONSORSHIPS AND PREPARATION FOR 2025 SEASON. Jadran needs sponsors to support our 2025 season. We will be publishing a sponsorship package for the 2025 year in the coming weeks. Please spread the word and if you are interested in supporting or helping in any way possible please contact Brian Rogic at 613-276-4886.